As community association attorneys, we are experienced in negotiating contracts with broadband service providers for our clients. These contracts allow the provider to enter a condominium’s common areas to install wiring and provide service to the individual units, as well as to undertake other activities related to these services. As a content creator, I value my intellectual property rights. As a computer geek who went to college in the time of Napster, I understand the inevitability of file sharing. I recently read this article discussing copyright protection activity by broadband service providers and thought, "Wow, I’m going to have a lot of work to do in a few years."
The article discusses the voluntary actions being taken by many large broadband service providers to discourage inappropriate file sharing and other copyright violations. It noted that many condominiums share internet service by a single central connection. This could mean that one flagrant violator with a habit of frequenting shady torrent sites could cause the internet for an entire condominium to be throttled back or even terminated.Continue Reading Be Careful What Your Neighbors Surf For…