Early last week, I participated as a volunteer for the Rocky Mountain Chapter of Community Associations Institute on the HOA Line 9 which is hosted by 9 News with the assistance of the Chapter. This oustanding program permits folks who live in and serve on the boards of HOAs in Colorado, to call in with questions about their associations. While we received many questions on the new HOA debt collection law which will go into effect on January 1st, I also noticed a trend from the calls I received relating to transparency.
Since I understand that many HOAs in Colorado are self-managed and the boards of directors which govern them may not necessarily be well-versed in the provisions of the Colorado Common Interest Ownership Act ("CCIOA") relating to open meetings, I thought now was a great time to provide these folks with basic information on the laws which appropriately promote transparency. Please feel free to share this information with residents and board members of HOAs in Colorado.
Here is what you need to know:Continue Reading With Few Exceptions – Open HOA Board Meetings Are Not Optional