As you are probably aware, on February 2, 2011, House Bill 11-1197 (“HB 1197”) was introduced by Representative Deb Gardner in the Colorado House of Representatives. HB 1197 addresses the superlien provision of the Colorado Common Interest Ownership Act (“CCIOA”). The bill as originally introduced was detrimental to community associations in Colorado.
CAI’s Colorado Legislative Action Committee (“CLAC”) has been working closely with Representative Gardner and other stakeholders to protect and enhance the superlien. While a great deal of progress has been made on a complete rewrite of HB 1197, the process has not yet been completed.
CLAC will continue to work diligently to protect the interests of community associations in Colorado. Negotiations on the rewrite of HB 1197 are expected to be wrapped up this week and CLAC will formally take a position on whether to support the bill.
In order to provide the time necessary to conclude the work on HB 1197, the bill will not be heard in the House Economic and Business Development Committee (“Committee”) this week. Instead the bill is currently slated to be considered by the Committee next Tuesday.
We will provide you with an update on the rewrite of HB 1197 when it is complete and CLAC’s position on the bill. We will also let you know what you can do to productively engage in the political process on HB 1197.