For those of you who know me, or have read my blogs over the years, you know that I love dogs.  Labrador retrievers and beagles are my breeds of choice.  But the truth is, I love darn near every dog – large, medium or small!  When Larry and I moved to Colorado 11 years ago,

As expected, last Friday House Bill 18-1175 (HB 1175) was introduced in the Colorado House of Representatives.  The co-prime sponsors in the House are Representative Tracy Kraft-Tharp (D-Jefferson County), Chair of the House Business Affairs and Labor Committee where the bill has been assigned, and Representative Dan Thurlow (R-Mesa County).

As I mentioned in my

The House Business Affairs and Labor Committee heard testimony this afternoon on whether to approve the introduction of a bill to continue the Community Association Manager Licensure Program for another five years and to include other recommendations of the Colorado Department of Regulatory Agencies (DORA), which I outlined in my blog posting on January 29th

Tomorrow is the beginning of the legislative process to determine whether the licensure of community association managers will continue for another five years or whether the licensure program will be sunset.  On Tuesday, January 30th, the House Business Affairs and Labor Committee will consider the 2017 Sunset Review:  Community Association Management Practice Act (Sunset Report)

Following the construction defects drama from the 2017 Colorado Legislative Session, the 2018 Legislative Session for HOAs was expected to be relatively quiet and early on the session is proceeding according to script.  While there have been some landlord/tenant bills, financing for affordable housing and other procedural bills introduced that only lawyers would be interested

On January 20th, Representative Kevin Van Winkle (R) introduced House Bill 17-1112 (HB 1112) which would provide immunity from penalties for individuals who engage in the unauthorized practice of a profession regulated by the Department of Regulatory Agencies (DORA), like a realtor engaging in the unauthorized practice of community association management, under the following circumstances:

Continue Reading Bill Introduced Granting Limited Immunity for Unauthorized Practice of Community Association Management