On Sunday, the Denver Post ran an article indicating that community association managers are struggling with passing the manager licensure exam and some representatives of Community Associations Institute ("CAI") feel the test may not be well written. While the overall pass rate for both portions of the exam was accurately reported and is absolutely respectable, here’s the good news for community association managers:
As of yesterday, for managers holding the Certified Manager of Community Association credential (the "CMCA") from the Community Association Managers International Certification Board ("CAMICB"), the Association Management Specialist designation ("AMS") from CAI, or the Professional Community Association Manager designation ("PCAM") from CAI – the pass rate for the general portion of the licensure exam was 94%. This 94% is compared with the overall 83% pass rate for the general portion of exam.
For those managers holding the CMCA credential, AMS designation or PCAM designation – the pass rate for the Colorado law portion of the exam was 88%. This 88% is compared with the overall 76% pass rate for the Colorado law portion of the exam.
To be clear, CAI had no hand in writing the manager licensure exam for Colorado and these statistics are just a snapshot in time. However, for those managers holding these certifications and designations, the pass rates thus far show that they will be well positioned to take and pass the exam.
It’s also important to note that HB 1343, the manager licensure clean-up bill, is expected to be signed into law as early as this week. The bill provides in part that those managers who have not yet taken the licensure exam and hold their CMCA, AMS or PCAM, will only be required to take and pass the Colorado law portion of the licensure exam. HB 1343 also provides the Director of the Division of Real Estate with the authority to grant a provisional license through the end of year to those managers who have taken and not passed the exam. Here’s a handout I created for CAI’s Spring Showcase which will tell you what you need to know about the manager licensure clean-up bill.