Just minutes ago, the Senate Local Government Committee unanimously approved a slightly amended version of House Bill 12-1237 ("HB 1237").  As you know, HB 1237 amends the association records provision of CCIOA to:  (1) make it clear what records must be maintained and produced to homeowners; (2) specifically list the types of records which may be withheld from production; and (3) eliminate the requirement that owners must state a "proper purpose" prior to being permitted to inspect records. The amendments to the bill are housekeeping in nature and simply tighten up language in the bill.   

On a 5 to 0 vote, the Committee approved the bill with a favorable recommendation to the entire Senate.  The bill will now be placed on the Consent Calender to soon be considered by the full Senate.  We fully expect the bill to proceed through the Senate, return to the House for concurrence and ultimately be signed into law by Governor Hickenlooper.