This afternoon, House Bill 1125 (“HB 1125”) was taken up by the House Business, Labor, Economic & Workforce Development Committee (“House Business Committee”) for consideration. As you will recall, HB 1125 is intended to fix an inadvertent oversight in the association records law which was overhauled during the 2012 legislative session and went into effect on January 1, 2013. Currently, the Colorado Common Interest Ownership Act (“CCIOA”) prohibits associations from publishing the telephone numbers and email addresses of members. Obviously, this limits the information associations may publish in membership directories.
HB 1125 permits an association to publish email addresses and telephone numbers of members and residents of the association, if those members or residents first provide written consent to their association to publish this information. Owners and residents may withdraw this written consent, but such withdrawal of consent does not require their association to go back and “change, retrieve or destroy” previously published telephone numbers or email addresses. Also, the bill permits owners and residents to electronically provide or withdraw their consent to their associations.
The House Business Committee unanimously reported HB 1125 out of Committee today with no amendments and to the floor of the House with a favorable recommendation. There was no opposition to the bill in testimony. CLAC fully expects the bill to be approved by the full House and then to move over to the Senate for consideration.
Stay tuned for updates on HB 1125 as it proceeds through the legislative process.
Molly Foley-Healy is Chair of CAI’s Colorado Legislative Action Committee.