My most recent brush with the electoral process as a candidate occurred in 1989. I was primed and ready to be the Sergeant at Arms of my elementary school student council, and willing to campaign, press palms, kiss babies, and bribe the administration to make that dream a reality. Sure, I didn’t know what a
Call Your Legislators! Senate Bill 20-211
By Lindsay S. Smith on
Posted in COVID-19, From Capitol Hill/Legislation
In response to the economic destruction wrought by COVID-19, Senators Faith Winter and Julie Gonzales, and Representative Leslie Herod introduced Senate Bill 211 on June 1, 2020. SB 20-211 quickly made its way through the chamber and was referred to the Committee of the Whole today. It has not yet made its way to the…
Association Meetings During a Pandemic
By Marci Achenbach & Lindsay S. Smith on
Posted in COVID-19, Governance
Federal, state, and local responses to COVID-19 are changing quickly. Our COVID-19 related communications are based on the facts and guidance available today. Always look for the most up-to-date information when making decisions for your communities.
Social distancing restrictions and recommendations are likely to continue for some time. In light of this new reality, what…