Earlier today the Colorado HOA Information and Resource Office released its 2013 Annual Report. Interestingly, the number of complaints more than doubled – from 576 in 2012 to 1,248 in 2013 – but the number of people logging complaints only increased slightly from 309 complainants in 2012 to 327 in 2013. The most complaints in 2013 related to association and management communication with homeowners (or lack thereof), which moved up from fourth place in 2012. The report contains other details about the number and types of communities registered with the Office, and the outreach work that the Office undertook in 2013.

For those of us who work with community associations on a daily basis, the report contains few surprises. Even so, the trends revealed in these annual reports are important to consider because they can sometimes have an influence on legislation and regulations affecting community associations. 

The report is also a good reminder for boards to ensure that owners and directors receive their annual education, as mandated by the Colorado Common Interest Ownership Act. Education can help prevent problems and complaints in your HOA. Our "CCIOA 101 for HOA Boards" blog series is a great resource for board members to learn about basic association governance laws. In addition, our attorneys work with association clients to prepare board and owner education classes tailored to an individual community’s needs. Contact one of our attorneys directly if you have questions about education options.