Late last week, I began posting a series of blog entries focusing on the traits that make a director highly effective in participating in the governance of their homeowners’ association (“HOA”).
As a reminder, here is the first trait:
Trait #1: It’s all about the HOA and not about their personal agenda.
A highly effective director understands that he/she has a fiduciary duty to act in the best interests of the association as a whole and is able to put aside his or her personal interests or agenda on any given issue. A high effective director is also able to put the interests of the association ahead of the interests of neighbors or friends.
A second, and equally important trait, focuses on the importance of being familiar with and utilizing the governing documents of the HOA.
Trait #2: A highly effective director never attends an association meeting without having the governing documents of the association close at hand and routinely consults the documents for guidance.
A highly effective director understands that he/she has a duty to comply with and enforce the governing documents of the association. A highly effective director understands and is committed to consulting the governing documents of the association prior to making decisions. These directors always have the declaration, bylaws, SB 100 policies, and the rules and regulations of their association available for review at all meetings.
Stay tuned for more for more traits of highly effective directors.