I just got off the phone with the manager of one of my more “entertaining” associations. After discussing an upcoming meeting, I asked her if the association was registered with the HOA Information Office. For more information on this registration, click here. She said they were properly registered, but she had received a surprising bill from the Secretary of State for $225.00. Stunned at the increased fee – periodic reports usually cost $10.00 annually – she had nevertheless placed the bill in the “to be paid” pile.
The surprise here is that the bill isn’t from the Secretary of State. It is actually a ploy to get corporations and small businesses to pay an increased periodic report fee to the company sending the letter – Corporate Controllers Unit. After the duped corporation pays the increased fee, presumably Corporate Controllers Unit will use the money to ensure the corporation files its periodic report with the Secretary of State.
9News did a story on this activity this morning, and it appears this letter is widespread. If you receive an unusual letter or something seems a little off, trust your instincts and do your research! You can save your association hundreds of dollars. If you have received a letter from Corporate Controllers Unit, the Attorney General encourages you to file a report.