Phantom dog poop is not just a problem in HOAs! Colorado’s Jefferson County Sheriff’s Office, in partnership with local park districts and HOAs, has launched the “There is No Poop Fairy” campaign to bring attention to the problem of dog waste. This campaign has already received national attention from Rachel Maddow and the Huffington Post.
Myth of the Poop Fairy
“Like the Loch Ness Monster or Bigfoot, the fabled poop fairy has been the stuff of legend. Flying undetected in parks, neighborhoods and schoolyards, she was said to follow close behind dogs and their owners – picking up what the dog left behind, before flying off to the next canine creation. A widespread belief that she existed seemed to reassure some that cleaning up after one’s dog was sort of . . . optional.”
The campaign outlines “The Facts About Dog Poop” and informs folks that from July 9-17, 2011, volunteers will be handing out poop bags and flyers and will be talking with folks about the importance of picking up canine creations. Jeffco will also be installing new signs in area parks and neighborhoods.
We applaud Jeffco for this outstanding campaign to bring the problem of phantom dog poop to the attention of the public. This is a great step in putting widespread pressure on inconsiderate dog owners to get their act together!